About Us

Founded in 2009, Paw Paws Pet Rescue is dedicated to aiding animals in crisis requiring specialized medical care & rehabilitation, we aim to provide long-term solutions that preserve family unity proactively by fostering long-term solutions in the hope of maintaining family bonds without judgment. Operating as a foster based dog rescue, Paw Paws Rescue Ranch became a reality opening a 10-acre free roaming large breed medical dog rescue in Hilliard, Florida in October 2019 that currently has the ability to provide for the care of medical, adoptable and sanctuary dogs.
Main Building is dedicated in the loving memory of Amy Swann, a young woman who loved animals and dreamt of becoming a veterinarian, left this earth way too soon. The main building houses 15 dogs. 
Nicole’s Nursery houses pregnant or injured female dogs and puppies. There is a whelping area, so momma dog is able to take time for herself in a private play yard.
Joe Gandy Medical building houses medical dogs thru intake and medical care. There is a vet tech on premises to aid and assist in the recovery and therapy of all dogs that arrive at the rescue ranch.
Corbin’s Corner Community Pet Pantry founded in January 2023 in memory of the owner’s son Corbin, the pet pantry provides monthly resources for families in need of assistance regarding the care and retainment of their family pet(s). 



email: pawpawsrescue@gmail.com

social: https://www.facebook.com/pawpawspet